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Amazon Live Creator App

Amazon Live Creator App

Role: UX Lead

I designed an app that allows creators to livestream and track performance on Amazon Live.

Customer: Livestream Creators

3.3K creators have used Amazon Live, 181 of which are active A-List creators (+12% MoM).

Experience Overview: Dashboard

Experience Overview: Livestreaming

Problems with Creator Ranking

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  • Creators didn’t know what to do to improve the chances of getting better placements on Amazon.

  • There were no incentives to better livestreams.

  • Amazon Live did not have a good way of ranking creator content.

Business Goals

  • Prevent low quality content from surfacing in highly-viewed placements.

  • Use as a mechanism to recruit and retain high quality creators.

  • Provide top creators access to the Amazon Home Page and other high value benefits.



TaoBao is a world-leader for shoppable livestreams, and they have a tiering system, so it made sense to benchmark their experience but, I don’t speak Chinese. I also did not have access to their creator app. I used an outside companies analysis to better understand the TaoBao customer and creator experiences.

Additional Research:

• Creator Success Team Interviews 

• Voice of the Customer Meetings

• 1:1 Conversations with Influencers

• Meetings with Twitch UX and PMs

• Internal and External Benchmarking

Design: Process

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A key process I use to generate new ideas is though Design Studios. I ran a virtual session, where I invited PMs, Leadership, Dev, Marketing, etc. I split the groups into teams and created virtual “breakout rooms” for ideation and collaboration.

Additional Design Processes:

•  “Walk the Store”

• Refining requirements and Phasing with PMs

•  UX Reviews with other Amazon Teams

• Usability Testing with Influencers

• Usability Testing with

• Iterations based on Feedback

• Hand-Off to Dev in Zeplin

Design: Iterations

The two metrics we decided to measure were new followers and sales. The tricky thing about sales was, I needed to design a way to compare creators who sold both high and low priced items. The solution was to measure total sales or units sold. The final solution that tested best is stared above.

Design: Prototype


• Creators know what to focus on for success

• Creators are incentivized to make better streams

• We now have “creator scores” for ranking content